Cas Wognum
Cas Wognum is a machine learning engineer at Valence Labs. Within Valence, he has
contributed to several open-source projects in the toolkit and is now leading
the Polaris project. He holds a MSc. degree in Artificial Intelligence and Computer
Graphics from the University of Utrecht.
Valence Labs is a research engine, powered by Recursion, committed to advancing the
frontier of AI in drug discovery.

Using Zarr as a universal and efficient format for drug discovery datasets in Polaris
Cas Wognum
Polaris is an industry-led, community-run, and open-source benchmarking
platform for machine learning (ML) based drug discovery. From kilobytes to
terabytes and from 3D protein structures to phenomics, Polaris leverages Zarr as
a universal format to support the wide variety of datasets used by ML researchers
in drug discovery.