Anna-Lena Popkes
I'm Anna-Lena, a machine learning engineer living in Bonn, Germany. I'm very passionate about learning and love to share my knowledge with other people. Besides machine learning I love teaching Python and have been a regular guest on PyCon events and podcasts. You can find my projects either on GitHub ( or on my personal webpage (

Our world is driven by technology and there are many reasons to teach our kids how to code. For example, coding allows them to develop logical reasoning skills and teaches attention to detail. Allowing children to discover how much fun coding can be supports them in their development and opens many doors for their future.
But when and how should we start coding with kids? This talk will approach the question from a scientific perspective, looking into how children's brains develop, how children learn and how to best teach them coding abilities. It will answer important questions like "At what age can a child start coding?" or "What are the benefits of learning to code?". It will also present possible starting points, like learning platforms or tutorials.